You'll find pitches, synopsis, or even scripts of different film projects, books, plays or other, I also would like to develop.
I-Art is a revolutionary project that brings together the best fiction and dance can offer.Set in a post-apocalyptic future, the tv show imagines the consequences of scientific innovations that are being conceptualized today. Artistic Intelligence defenders have to fight against the humans that have become dependent on technology by letting it enter them biologically to the point of losing their creative souls.
Parallèlement à mes activités d'écriture, j'aime aller
à la rencontre des autres artistes, auteurs, ou personnalités. J'ai parfois l'occasion pour différents médias de pouvoir faire des interviews vidéos.
J'espère pouvoir mieux faire découvrir et apprécier
des personnalités du monde audiovisuel, littéraire
et artistique.
Artist interviews - in french only.
Sunrise K' Foundation – a non-profit organisation dedicated to raising awareness about childhood glaucoma, one of the leading causes of childhood blindness. Working with Moorfields Eye Charity – the charity that supports London’s acclaimed Moorfields Eye Hospital - and world-renowned glaucoma expert Professor Sir Peng Tee Khaw, the Sunrise K' Foundation's mission is to support research dedicated to finding a cure for this debilitating disease.
Here are several things I am also doing,
or in which I participate.
We're helping women in tech to get good jobs and we help fighting against harassment at work.